Heya YAs! The start of the Summer Reading Program is only 2 weeks away! Here's your preview of whats going on this year.
You will still get a raffle ticket for reading at least one book every week. However, you can now earn up to 3 more raffle tickets every week! That means you can get up to 4 tickets with your name on them in every weekly drawing. So here are the other three ways you can earn raffle tickets:
1. Attend at least one program that week (you can't get additional tickets for attending more than one, sorry, just 1 per week!)
2. Submit at least one photograph to the Night Time Photography Show (Again, only 1 ticket. But feel free to submit multiple photographs! The picture will be displayed at the library later in the summer)
3. Write a book review for the Teen Blog.
Now all of that is just super right...if the prizes are good. So what are the prizes?
Week 1
Two $10 Gift Certificates to Dari Serv |
Week 2
Two $10 Carmines Pizza Gift Certificates |
Week 3
Digital Waterproof Camera |
Week 4
Hunger Games Beach Towel |
Week 5
Three $10 iTunes Gift Cards |
Week 6
Everyone who participates in week 6 will get a book of their choice! |
So, those are some decent prizes, right? I hope you like them :)
Every year we have themed programs for you and this year is no different, check out these awesome programs you can attend this summer at the library! This year's theme is Own the Night.
Glow T-Shirts
Thursday, June 28th 2:00pm
Decorate a t-shirt with glow in the dark paint.
Ages 11-18
Dream Journals
Saturday, July 7th 1:30pm
Make your own journal to write your dreams in.
Ages 11-18
Take the Stage Acting Workshop
Tuesday, July 10th 7:00pm
Love to act? Want to practice and improve your skills? Then come to this program for sure!
Ages 11-18
Teen Cuisine: Party Food
Wednesday, July 11th 4:30pm
Wow your friends the next time you have a party with some amazing party food! Learn to prepare and cook it, and then we'll eat it!
Ages 12-18
Durham Olympics
Saturday, July 21st 10:30am
The Summer Olympics will start soon, so lets get excited by holding our own Olympics at the library! Footraces, long jump, and more!
Ages 8-18
CSI Murder Mystery in the Library
Saturday July 21st 2:00pm
Someone's been murdered in the library. Collect all the evidence and find out who did it!
Ages 11-18
Vampires vs. Werewolves Night
Tuesday, July 24th 7:00pm
The age old question, highly debated. Which is better? Werewolves or vampires? Join a team and we'll compete, trivia questions and more. Food too!
Ages 11-18
Henna Body Art
Saturday, August 4th 2:00pm
Learn about the ancient art of henna, and even get some applied to you!
Ages 12-18
Well I hope this got you all excited for the summer reading program. See you soon!